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  • Robosapien V2 Review
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  • Robosapien Dance

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    Robosapien - Dances and Sings!

    HOT OFF THE PRESSES! - Our Robosapien Robot Movie is here!
    Click Here Now!

    The Robosapien V2 is coming!  The next generation toy robot with hot new features!

    Coming Soon! Our very own Movie!

    Well it’s been over 40 years in the making and we have already spent several trillion dollars on the special effects, but our very own Robosapien Robot Video is almost ready for release.  Be sure to check back here in a week to see the video!  We expect to have it ready on January 15 of this year (2005). Bookmark this page!

    The movie stars my two Robosapien robots.  I wrote a piece of custom software to control them via Jon Rhee’s UIRT Infrared Transceiver device. I used the software to orchestrate the movements of my Robosapiens in complex ways that the simple macro capability of the remote control can’t achieve. The software is targeted to be an open source Robosapien project, and is hosted by the wonderful people at SourceForge.  Here is a direct link to the Robosapien Dance Machine project.

    No files have been released yet, but will be soon after the video has been released. I am doing this so everyone that has a Robosapien can get more life out of it by creating their own movies, or just plain have more fun with Mark Tilden’s fantastic invention.

    Here is the original page on using Genetic Programming & Robosapien.




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