A little name clarification
We’ve been getting curious questions from people asking about items with names similar to Robosapien. After doing some web searching, we decided to create a web page to help similar folk find what they are looking for. If you are not looking for Mark Tilden’s Robosapien robot, you are in the wrong place! Here’s the list:
Robo sapien - is a San Francisco based band with a Beastie Boys kind of sound. They are not robots!
Robo Sapiens - is a book by Peter Menzel describing a hypothetical being in the future that is a ”hybrid species of human and robot”. The full title is “Robo Sapiens: Evolution of a New Species”.
Robosapien - is Mark Tilden’s wonderful toy robot that we the site owners love.
Robosapiens - is the joy of owning more than one these robots!
Robo-sapien, Robosapine, and Robospaien are common misspellings of either Robosapien or Robo Sapien.
We hope this helps, good luck in your search!