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Sunday, December 11, 2005


Does Your Roboraptor Have Damaged Feet?

I have had people ask me, due to the trouble they have had removing their 's from the packaging, if their Roboraptor now has damaged feet. Currently there is no market for Roboraptor foot and claw correctional shoes, so it's understandable that people are worried.

I have asked several other people if their Roboraptor stands like mine does, and they have all answered yes. My roboraptor, when standing on a hard flat surface and is not moving, balances completely on his inner toes. So he stands on the two toes that are on the inside of the left foot, and the two toes that are on the inside of the right foot. The outer toes remain hovering in the air; two toes on each foot. I think it's the hovering toes that causes some people to worry that their Roboraptor is injured. He isn't, he's just a little quirky, that's all.

If anyone has a picture of a Roboraptor wearing correctional shoes, please post a comment!

Is there supposed to be some type of center piece under the feet? As many, I managed to break something off of my son's roboraptor's feet when getting the damn screws that held it to the bottom of the package. I can't figure out whether the piece was important to balance or anything.

Any thoughts?

The centerpieces that were screwed in are completely for shipping purposes only. Unless the foot itself is damaged, you should be OK.

Come join the Roboraptor forum if you have more questions. You'll find pictures of the Roboraptor's on the Portal too:
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