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Friday, November 18, 2005


Getting Ready For Roboraptor Support

The voice control trials with are going exceedingly well. I have extensively modified Robosapien Dance Machine to make it easier to support more infrared controlled robots. There are a few wrinkles I have to work out with the timing of certain tricks, but nothing major. After a few days of polishing and testing, I will start work on adding support for the . If any of you out there have discovered some interesting moves (animations) that the Roboraptor does in particular situations, please leave a comment. If possible, I'd like to add commands for those movements to the software, so they can be shared with other Roboraptor owners.

Will there be a way to add voicecontrol to Raptor that have already been purchased without it?

The voice control would be part of Robosapien Dance Machine, my open source program for controlling Roboraptor's. You would need a PC and a USB UIRT to run the program and use it to control your Roboraptor. It will work with any Roboraptor since the Roboraptor is not modified in any way. NOTE: At this time Robosapien Dance Machine does not support the Roboraptor, but will soon.
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