Monday, June 08, 2009
Pleo's back! - Jetta Company, Limited acquires Ugobe and vows to continue the line

Buy Pleo.

Today there is wonderful news for the Pleo community. Jetta Company Limited, the company that manufactured the Pleo baby robot dinosaur for Ugobe, bought the intellectual property rights and other assets at the Ugobe bankruptcy sale that occurred on May 21. I spoke with Steve Ohler today, the United States liaison for the company, and he confirmed the news. He said the company is firmly committed to re-launching Pleo and continuing the line including accessories such as the vital battery and charger components.
This may be the shortest extinction on record for a wonder product. From rising star to shooting star back to rising star again, Pleo's future has been given new life by the best possible company that could have and did acquire the rights to our favorite little green dino; the original manufacturer. I asked Steve if all the equipment needed to produce Pleos and accessories were still intact and he said they absolutely were. Even better, Jetta is an established company with a 32 year history in manufacturing based in China and Hong Kong, and as part of their illustrious manufacturing history they have produced parts for members of iRobot's consumer robot line.
They currently are getting everything in order to re-launch Pleo and can not give further details at this time. But this is indeed fabulous news indeed. Watch my blog carefully as I will updating everyone on Jetta's progress. I would like to give personal thanks and a big shout out to Jetta Company Limited for this wise and wonderful decision. Below is the original press release from the company regarding their relaunching of Pleo:
Jetta Company Limited acquires Ugobe out of receivership
Hong Kong – Jetta Company Limited acquired the assets of Ugobe and will be re-launching “Pleo” in the near future. Established in 1977, Jetta has focused on manufacturing an extended range of toy, consumer electronics, juvenile, robotic and gift products and is one of the most recognized engineering and OEM companies within the toy industry. Headquartered in Hong Kong, Jetta currently operates five production campuses in Guangdong Province which combined has over 4.5 million square feet of production floor space. At the forefront of the fast-paced toy and robotics industries, Jetta continues to strive for “excellence” and is pleased to add “Ugobe” to its operations.