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Monday, April 10, 2006


Pleo - Three Laws of UGOBE Life Forms

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To understand you have to understand the company behind it, . They are very passionate about Pleo and when you see their laws for what a UGOBE Life Form must be, it's easy to understand the intensity of thought behind Pleo's construction. The three laws are:
If I had not seen the video of Pleo I would have looked at these three laws as a nice marketing tool on their part. But, as I watch that video, if I treat the three laws as a test, Pleo passes that test with flying colors. What is most telling is UGOBE's primary mandate for their , the ability to feel and convey emotions.

From the video I am sure that Pleo does indeed convey emotions so, does Pleo feel emotions? Perhaps soon we will be asking "Does Pleo dream?". I don't know the answer to that, but I can say with certainty that millions of children and adults will be dreaming of Pleo.
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