Delete Command Block

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Tutorial - Delete A Command Block

To delete one or more command blocks:

  • Click on one of the Command Blocks in your Script and hold the mouse button down
  • Drag the Command Block over to the the Trash Can.

That’s it. Note: if there other command blocks attached to the Command Block you are deleting, you will be prompted to confirm your desire to delete multiple blocks.

What if I don’t want to delete multiple blocks?

  • Click on the Command Block you want to delete and drag it to any open space in the Work Area.  This will separate the Command Block and all the blocks attached to it, from your script. Note: as described in the Terms section, this creates a script fragment (see Figure 7 below).
  • Let’s call the Command Block you want to keep the keeper Command Block. Click on the first Command Block in the script fragment that you want to keep and hold the mouse button down.
  • Drag the keeper Command Block over to the last Command Block in your Script. Position the keeper Command Block on top of the last block in your Script, not below it.
  • Release the mouse button to drop the keeper command block on top of the last Command Block in your script. This will reattach the keeper Command Block and all the blocks attached to it, to the end of your Script.
  • Now drag the remaining script fragment on to the Trash Can to delete it

Figure 7 below should help clear up any confusion about deleting multiple blocks.

Figure 7,
Deleting Command Blocks and Script Fragments

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