Robosapien Dance Machine

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The Robosapien Dance Machine software program, which will be referred to as the RDM throughout these help pages, is an advanced script editor for Mark Tilden’s line of Robosapien robots.

What can you do with the the Robosapien Dance Machine (RDM)?

  • Create dances to make your Robosapien, Robosapien V2, Roboraptor, or Robopet robot dance in time with your favorite tune
  • Make your own sketches or movies with your favorite robot star.
  • Have your robot do complex stunts or perform a long involved series of commands.

Why was the software created?

The Robosapien robot does come with a limited capacity to create simple macros or scripts using the included remote control. But we wanted to do more and to do it faster and better. A lot of Robosapien owners feel that after they or their children have played with the robot for a while, it ends up in the closet.  This is a shame since it is such a wonderful and capable robot.

The RDM software opens up the full power of your personal computer to help you get the most out of your Robosapien robot. It is a complete and friendly drag and drop environment for creating complex command scripts to power your robot.

How much does it cost?

Nothing. In fact the software is an Open Source program licensed under the Gnu Public License (GPL) and hosted by; the world’s leading repository of Open Source software.

What do I need to run the program?

  • A personal computer running Windows 2000 or newer. The software may work on older versions of Windows  but they have not been tested and support will therefore be limited.
  • A Robosapien robot.
  • A supported infrared transmitter.  The transmitter is necessary so that your computer can communicate with your robot.

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