Mindstorms NXT Coupon

- and customer review analysis
Date: November 13, 2006
Item: LEGO Mindstorms NXT
Number Of Reviews Analyzed: Over 16 user reviews were examined as part of this Amazon user review analysis. The customer reviews were overwhelmingly positive, which is not surprising since the Lego Mindstorms NXT is a best selling and universally acclaimed robotics kit and educational tool. The only significant bad comment had to do with a problem with the Bluetooth communication interface on a Mac. However, by now this problem may well have been resolved so if you're a Mac owner, check to see if this issue has been resolved.

SAVINGS TIP: For a limited time, use the coupon code 99Robo at the Discovery Store site and save $20 off their price.

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The next generation Lego Mindstorms is here: smarter, stronger and more intuitive than ever! Mindstorms NXT combines the power of the LEGO building system, an intelligent brick, and easy-to-use drag and drop programming software. With the Quickstart Guide, you will have a robot ready for action within 30 minutes. Mindstorms NXT empowers you to build and program robots that do what you want! Five main themes (8 different models): Vehicle: Roverbot, Animal, Scorpio. Machine: Robotic Arm Human: Humanoid Gadgets: clock, music, game and movers. The models are built within the LEGO Technic System. All models can be programmed to perform differently. We aim to make models very simple, intuitive, durable and easy to build. All the models have different way of moving, using the sensors, reactions and behaviors. Each model is provided with building instruction, tips and tricks, ways to test your model and ways to program. Contains 571 pieces.

Set includes: NXT programmable LEGO brick, ultrasonic sensor, sound sensor, light sensor, touch sensor, 3 interactive servo motors, USB cable, 7 6-wire cables, building instructions, user guide, Quickstart guide, easy to use software and test panel. 6 AA batteries not included.

General Rating Information

Overall this robotics kit received a 4.56 stars rating across all the user reviews. There were 14 good ratings and 1 bad ratings. Out of 59 total votes, 24% of the people that read the bad reviews found them to be helpful. Out of 395 total votes, 94% of the people that read the good reviews felt they were useful. If you filter out the reviews that most people did not find useful, including those reviews that people didn’t even bother to vote on or only got a tiny fraction of the votes, the robotics kit's rating rises to a 5 star rating.

Real Name Reviewers

The reviewers that used their real names made up 69% of the total reviewer pool. There were 11 ratings in this category, and they were all good. They gave the robotics kit an average rating of 4.91 stars. Out of 332 total votes, 95% of the people that read the good reviews found them helpful. Filtering out the poor quality reviews did not significantly alter the robotics kit's rating.

Anonymous Reviewers

There weren't any ratings in this category.

Kid Reviewers

Only one kid reviewed the kit so that review made up 6% of the total reviewer pool, and gave it a top rating of 5 stars. Out of 22 total votes, 86% of the people that read the review found it useful.

Top Ranked Reviewers

None of the reviews on the kit were done by a Top Ranked Reviewer.
Since there were no reviews done by top ranked reviewers, this section is empty.

Negative User Quotes

  • "I agree that the Bluetooth does not work on the Mac OS, but I'm hopeful that Lego will address this issue in time."
  • "The bluetooth gave me some problems on the second day of usuage."

Positive User Quotes

  • "A great toy!"
  • "It certainly is more expensive than the gifts I usually buy, but I think it was well worth the money."
  • "The distance sensor is very cool and can make for some cool programs."
  • "The ultra-sonic sensor is a dream come true."
  • "Impressive evolution for MindStorms!"
  • "The programming logic blocks are simple to use and allow for advanced programming."


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